* JOBS *
Open Positions...
There are no open positions at this time :)

Seniors Day
Get 10% Off Every Single Wednesday
Are you a senior? Love refilling? Have time on a Wednesday? Then Seniors Day is for you : )
START REFILLINGEqual Exchange: Pop-Up @ Re-Up
DATE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 | 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Join us at the shop for FREE coffee samplings and learnings. Come meet the people behind the great cooperative organization of Equal Exchange. Sample some organic, fresh-roasted coffee, and get all your coffee questions answered by the dedicated people hard at work bringing you fairly traded beans.
Urban Adamah
Sunday, June 20 | 11:00 AM – 3:00. PM
1151 SIXTH ST.
Refill with us at the Urban Adamah farm. We will be popping up with the bike cart! This event is outdoors, masked, and in person : )
Re-Up Refill Shop: Soft Opening!
Saturday, July 3 | 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Join us for the unveiling of your new community refill shop! We welcome you and your communities to enjoy our new space in Rockridge with us!
meet the makers.
Have questions about where we source our product? Meet the makers and learn more about our suppliers. Get to know your new products and contribute to supporting local and eco-conscious companies.

At this time, to address the current health crisis, Re-Up is taking extensive precautions to keep both our valued customers and employees safe and healthy.