Support Small Businesses & Shop Small...
Shop small, it's now or never. Take the extra small step! We believe small businesses are core to the vitality of our shared communities...
From your favorite local coffee shop, that amazing bakery, the essential local hardware store, your go-to bike shop, to the refill shop. Small businesses foster a sense of identity and community, are powerful local economy drivers, provide meaningful jobs, reduce our dependence on driving and shipping, and make our streets more vibrant and safer. Given the rise of the convenience of online shopping, labor shortages, upticks in urban crime, and the pandemic, sadly we have seen a steady decline in traditional retail in our community :(
So, now is the time to double down on supporting local businesses, especially the ones we love and depend on, investing in our community, in quality products and services, and helping preserve our vibrant neighborhoods. So... as we welcome in the new year, add another bullet point to that New Year's resolutions list to opt to shop local and support small businesses!
Sadly, this past Friday... the Re-Up Refill Shop was broken into after hours and robbed. Thankfully, everyone is safe and we are able to operate normally. Unfortunately, these break-ins have become quite common over the recent years in our community and have been putting real financial strain on small businesses like ours. We continue to keep our spirits high, knowing our community is right there with us championing and supporting our work. For us, this is an opportunity to continue to challenge ourselves to opt to support local businesses both as individuals and as a business ourselves, relying on a network of amazing enterprises right in our community.
We hope in 2024 you will join us in investing in our local community by supporting small businesses, voting with your dollars for the neighborhoods we want to be a part of, and keeping all those dollars right in the community.
See You At The Shop,
The Re-Up Refills Team : )