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Veggie Preserving Produce BagsThese veggies preserving bags are a healthy, eco-friendly alternative to plastic, for storing and preserving vegetables in the refrigerator. Stow all kinds of moisture-loving greens, carrots, celery, and more to keep fresh and crisp for up to two weeks, by providing a humid environment that also breathes. Reusable, washable, durable, and lasts forever!
UseWhen damp, the cloth veggie bag keeps moisture-loving vegetables moist and crisp in a breathable but high humidity environment. Moisture slowly evaporates from the surface of the bag to circulate air and keep the vegetables “breathing.” The slightly moist environment of the bag keeps vegetables crisp far longer than vegetables stored in a plastic bag. Wet the bag, then wring it out. Rinse vegetables. Store veggies in main compartment of fridge or a slightly open crisper drawer. When the bag dries out after several days, re-wet it (and veggies) slightly.
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