Every Day Is Earth Day...
Earth Day Is Every Single Day...
Think about our earth today... We like to think that every day is earth day at Re-Up.
But hey... it's always nice to have the reminder! We wanted to share with you a video we received from a customer this week that warmed our hearts and reinspired our team about the waste reduction work we do every day. This loyal customer, who happens to be a fifth grader, filmed a short video at the refill shop showing their schoolmates how to go refillable and why it's an important step in changing the way we consume. It's going to be aired on their morning school news this week in honor of Earth Day : )
So... for this Earth Day weekend, whether you can commit to carrying your reusable utensil set with you to a park or find yourself doing some spring cleaning and making another section of your home single-use free, or you just happen to be looking out at the green hills, we want to encourage you to keep the earth on your mind and maybe send a little love its way.
And as your community refill shop, working to help ditch single-use waste, we would be honored if you can put a refill shop visit on the calendar and tell your friends, family, neighbors, and enemies about Re-Up, because the planet needs us.
See you at the shop soon!
Think about our earth today... We like to think that every day is earth day at Re-Up.
But hey... it's always nice to have the reminder! We wanted to share with you a video we received from a customer this week that warmed our hearts and reinspired our team about the waste reduction work we do every day. This loyal customer, who happens to be a fifth grader, filmed a short video at the refill shop showing their schoolmates how to go refillable and why it's an important step in changing the way we consume. It's going to be aired on their morning school news this week in honor of Earth Day : )
So... for this Earth Day weekend, whether you can commit to carrying your reusable utensil set with you to a park or find yourself doing some spring cleaning and making another section of your home single-use free, or you just happen to be looking out at the green hills, we want to encourage you to keep the earth on your mind and maybe send a little love its way.
And as your community refill shop, working to help ditch single-use waste, we would be honored if you can put a refill shop visit on the calendar and tell your friends, family, neighbors, and enemies about Re-Up, because the planet needs us.
See you at the shop soon!